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Extreme Biodiesel - Southern California co-op facilitator

Extreme Green Technologies, Inc., also known as Extreme Biodiesel was founded in 2003 to promote the use of biodiesel as well as produce and distribute their own line of biodiesel processors. Located in Corona, CA, Extreme Biodiesel is one of Southern California's grassroots "green" companies that make it possible for locals to actively participate in reducing our dependence on fossil or petroleum-based fuels.

The company is focused on reducing mankind's carbon footprint by promoting the use of bio-fuels processed from readily available feedstocks such as waste vegetable oil (WVO) and algae derived virgin oil. They have created a local biodiesel cooperative that allows individual members to purchase biodiesel for private use and is a source of local biodiesel for fleet fuel providers.

Aside from their cooperative, Extreme Biodiesel holds semi-regular biodiesel seminars for individuals or would-be biodiesel cooperatives on producing their own fuel. These seminars/ workshops are held on the company's premises in Corona. For an up-to-date schedule, please refer to their website

*This short article on Extreme Biodiesel is the first of a series that will focus on the development of Algae Biodiesel locally.
Article & Photo by Garry Patricio
November 26, 3:12 PM
LA Green Technologies Examiner

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